In Hand Acupuncture & Herbs 銀漢堂
In Hand Acupuncture & Herbs 銀漢堂
  • Видео 56
  • Просмотров 4 063 132
Chest Exercise–Designed for breast & lung cancer patients to enhance chemo treatment effectiveness!
👉臉書專頁 inhandacupun...
Jonathan Fang 和 In Hand Acupuncture 不對因嘗試執行演示的練習和運動或遵循我們任何視頻中包含的說明而可能導致的任何傷害或疾病承擔任何責任,我們也不保證任何結果。 我們確實相信這些練習將有助於解決多種健康問題,包括 Covid-19 病毒的影響,但嘗試這些練習的人必須自擔風險。
*** The completed Immunity (T-cell) Exercise with 15 movements are listed as below:
***For more inform...
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Explanation of Mr. Gu's T-cell exercises
Просмотров 10 тыс.2 года назад
方大夫透過這個影片將顧氏T細胞運動的功用與理論簡單扼要的說明,內容包括: ◎T細胞的功能 ◎為何T細胞運動可以強化我們的T細胞? ◎適合練習「顧氏T 細胞運動」的族群有三大類: 1.健康的人:想要有更好的免疫的抗力!可以抗病毒及傳染病 2.免疫力低下的人:容易有慢性的各種發炎反應(尿道,口腔,腸道,陰道 等等) 3.有免疫疾病的人:多發性硬化、類風溼性關節炎、紅斑性狼瘡、愛滋病、癌症...等等。 ◎不適合做「顧氏T 細胞運動」的族群有兩大類: 1. 懷孕初期者 2. 器官移植者 方大夫有幸師承顧承德老師,遵循師囑,公益推廣各種健身操,希冀能利益更多有緣人。 學習「顧氏健身操」有以下三種方法: 1. 參加免費的T細胞操團練:美東早上9:30(中英雙語)及台灣每日上午八點(中文)。有興趣者請來信詢問,電郵: 2. 觀看[方大夫講堂]...
Leukocyte Exercise (first publicized on media): Enhance and improve the quality of white blood cells
Просмотров 12 тыс.2 года назад
白細胞(白血球)是人體的重要免疫系統「護衛隊」,沒有強健的白細胞軍團,即使有厲害的T細胞「偵查隊」也不足以抵抗外敵入侵或消滅身體的變異有害細胞。 顧承德老師累積多年中西醫及道家功法,精心設計出這一套白細胞操,確實能幫助人體增強白細胞質量,並疏通下肢、促進血液循環、上下連貫、增強免疫、強身健體。 方大夫有幸師承顧老師,遵循師囑,公益推廣各種健身操,希冀能利益更多有緣人。 學習「顧氏健身操」有以下三種方法: 1. 參加免費的T細胞操團練:美東早上9:30(中英雙語)及台灣每日上午八點(中文)。有興趣者請來信詢問,電郵: 2. 觀看[方大夫講堂]發布的影片: T細胞操現場教學版(上)видео.html T細胞操現場教學版(下)
Просмотров 11 тыс.2 года назад
台灣疫情蔓延,方大夫特別關心台灣年長者的健康,了解許多長輩比較習慣聽台語,因此用台語錄製這段影片,用簡易的幾招運動,陪伴大家度過抗疫難關!考慮到許多年長者體力不夠,可能無法有氣力完成T細胞操完整版的十六個動作,所以教授這套「簡易版」。但對於晚期癌症或免疫力非常低下者,建議需要做完整版的T細胞操才有功效。 一般免疫力較弱者或年長者,身體容易有炎症,症狀如:尿道感染、痰多、牙齦發炎腫脹、肺炎、關節炎、容易感冒...等,這幾招運動早晚做一遍,堅持每天做,兩週應可改善。 方煥文中醫師跟隨顧承德老師學習「T細胞操」及其他各類顧氏健身操多年,發現確實助益良多。 學習顧氏「T細胞操」有以下三種方法: 1. 參加免費的T細胞操團練:美國每週一次以中英雙語進行;台灣每週一、四、日上午八點以中文進行。有興趣者請來信詢問,電郵: 2. 觀看[方大夫...
T- cells combat the omicron/ COVID . The T-cell exercise supports immune system
Просмотров 6 тыс.2 года назад
This video shares self care of exercise to boost our immune system when facing the pandemic. *When you tested positive, what you can do is Mr. Gu's T-cell exercise. Here is the link *When you are symptom free or if you want to do something for prevention, here is the link for the exercise for self protection:видео.h...
Cervical spine exercise to release headache and neck tightness, insomnia, eye nose ear problems.
Просмотров 12 тыс.2 года назад
The health of the cervical spine almost affects the whole body. If you have shoulder and neck tightness, headache, heavy head, dry eyes, vision, ear and nose problems, fatigue, inability to concentrate, etc., it may be related to the cervical spine. Suggestions can refer to a few simple movements in the film for self-care and self-adjusting. [ Disclaimer ] Jonathan Fang and In Hand Acupuncture ...
How to improve pelvic coldness, cold feet, insomnia, infertility and gynecological symptoms?
Просмотров 7 тыс.2 года назад
秋冬季節,許多人會發現自己雙腳冰冷、皮膚乾燥,但同樣的天氣轉變,有些人卻不會有這些狀況,原因很可能就在於骨盆腔(下丹田)的血液循環通暢與否。 方大夫以這隻短片說明「雙腳冰冷」是不容忽視的健康警訊,並提供具體的改善方法。 請參考以下影片: 1. 中文版:видео.html (下丹田運動) 2. 英文版:видео.html (English Version) 3. T細胞運動 T-Cell Exercise: *歡迎聯繫我們: 官方網站 Email: 臉書專頁...
T-cell Exercise Online Group Practice One-Year Special Collection (Chinese-English bilingual)
Просмотров 7 тыс.2 года назад
當一群人在線上練習顧氏T細胞操一年之後,他們的身心有哪些改變呢? *只做三天的T細胞操,竟然能讓癌症病人白血球指數恢復正常? *紅斑性狼瘡患者做了一週後,血液指數改變了? *方大夫的妻子陳嘉茵小姐也在影片中公開自己罹患乳癌(第四期),她2017年接受化療,至今仍長期接受標靶治療,2020年她持續三個月每天練習T細胞操,她的具體改變為何? 若想學習T細胞操有以下三種方法: 1. 參加免費的T細胞操團練:美國每週兩次以中英雙語進行;台灣每天上午八點以中文進行。有興趣加入者請來信詢問,電郵: 2. 觀看方大夫講堂發布的影片: T細胞操現場教學版(上)видео.html T細胞操現場教學版(下)видео.html ...
T-Cell Exercise Live Teaching ( Part 2) - English & Chinese subtitles
Просмотров 38 тыс.2 года назад
正在找安全有效的方法來提高自身的免疫力嗎?跟著中醫師方煥文一起做「T細胞操」,動作做到位,效果好幾倍! T細胞操包括暖身操在內一共有十六個動作.每個動作都如同一副藥帖,是由精通中醫與道家功法的顧承德老師所發展,也是他累積多年的深厚醫學知識濃縮而成的精髓。 這次邀請到一位T細胞操初學者到現場做操,方煥文中醫師藉由糾正她的動作,也同時提醒觀眾們要注意的動作細節。影片較長,故分為上、下兩集。 更多訊息或提問,歡迎聯繫我們: 官方網站 Email: 臉書專頁 inhandacupuncture [免責聲明] Jonathan Fang 和 In Hand Acupuncture 不對因嘗試執行演示的練習和運動或遵循我們 何視頻中包含的說明而可能導致的 何傷...
T-cell exercise Live Teaching (Part 1) * With English/Chinese subtitles
Просмотров 66 тыс.2 года назад
是否有安全有效的方法可提高自身的免疫力呢?跟著中醫師方煥文一起做「T細胞操」,動作做到位,效果好幾倍! T細胞操包括暖身操在內一共有十六個動作.每個動作都如同一副藥帖,是由精通中醫與道家功法的顧承德老師所發展,也是他累積多年的深厚醫學知識濃縮而成的精髓。 這次邀請到一位T細胞操初學者到現場做操,方煥文中醫師藉由糾正她的動作,也同時提醒觀眾們要注意的動作細節。影片較長,故分為上、下兩集。 更多訊息或提問,歡迎聯繫我們: 官方網站 Email: 臉書專頁 inhandacupuncture [免責聲明] Jonathan Fang 和 In Hand Acupuncture 不對因嘗試執行演示的練習和運動或遵循我們 何視頻中包含的說明而可能導致的 何傷...
Why am I so confident in "T-cell Exercise" ? (Multi-language subtitles available)
Просмотров 7 тыс.2 года назад
Many people will question whether "T cell exercise" is effective? I once had this question, but after more than a year of personal practice and leading a group of friends to do T-cell exercises together, it has been verified that this exercise indeed has a quick and specific effect on improving the body’s immunity. Mr. Gu, who designed this set of exercises, also explained in the film how he us...
Have I been protected from variant COVID-19 viruses?
Просмотров 6 тыс.2 года назад
When the variant viruses show up, the whole world focus on which vaccines work best for prevention, but we miss the very important key point that we may not have good immunity to protect ourselves. This video focus on scientific research and doctors’ suggestions show one thing in common. T cells play a very important role. They can kill virus infected cells , help prevent diseases and end infec...
Only 5 minutes! Boost your immunity to overcome COVID-19! (Subtitles in various languages available)
Просмотров 52 тыс.3 года назад
It has been more than a year since the spread of COVID-19, and the epidemic situation in many countries is still not optimistic. The virus continues to mutate, and even if people are vaccinated, it is not a 100% guarantee. The whole world is facing this invisible but extremely powerful virus enemy. What should humans do? The answer lies in the body's immunity. When our immunity is strong enough...
Ways to increase oxygen level & regain lung functions for COVID Patients (Distilled version!!)
Просмотров 16 тыс.3 года назад
This video is captured from the last video [ New Ways to Increase Blood Oxygen for COVID-19 Patients]. The reason we shorten the film is that people can follow the content of the film to do these exercises more easily. To clarify here, these actions are mainly to help COVID patients restore lung functions and increase blood oxygen levels, but they cannot cure the disease. If you want to complet...
New Ways to Increase Blood Oxygen for COVID-19 Patients (Subtitles in many languages available)
Просмотров 1,5 млн3 года назад
Key reminder: 1.This exercise focus on increasing blood oxygen level with covid-19 patient. 2.This exercise is not treating virus. 3. Practice Two short breathe in and one longer breathe out, at same time gentle typing the chest area. By doing both together to regain lung's function quicker. A 74 years old man, Mr. Chen De Gu, got COVID-19 and hospitalized for 10 days. His lung function was dam...
Fertility Part 2: Exercise to improve infertility caused by thyroid disorders
Просмотров 4,3 тыс.3 года назад
Fertility Part 2: Exercise to improve infertility caused by thyroid disorders
Fertility Series (Part 1) : Cure Infertility Caused by "Gong Han" ( Cold in the Reproduction System)
Просмотров 8 тыс.3 года назад
Fertility Series (Part 1) : Cure Infertility Caused by "Gong Han" ( Cold in the Reproduction System)
Endocrinology Series III: Obesity (menstrual regulation, blood pressure blood sugar stabilized...)
Просмотров 16 тыс.3 года назад
Endocrinology Series III: Obesity (menstrual regulation, blood pressure blood sugar stabilized...)
3 Easy Ways to Help Thyroid Work Correctly
Просмотров 1,4 млн3 года назад
3 Easy Ways to Help Thyroid Work Correctly
Endocrine Series I: Tips for Migraine
Просмотров 26 тыс.3 года назад
Endocrine Series I: Tips for Migraine
Solutions to Chronic and Severe Constipation! 3 min/day only. (Blood Vessel Sweeper Exercise)
Просмотров 315 тыс.3 года назад
Solutions to Chronic and Severe Constipation! 3 min/day only. (Blood Vessel Sweeper Exercise)
Say Goodbye to Constipation! Feel the smooth! --- "Vascular Cleaner Series"
Просмотров 53 тыс.3 года назад
Say Goodbye to Constipation! Feel the smooth! "Vascular Cleaner Series"
Pelvic Blood Flow Activating Exercise - Basic (Part 1)
Просмотров 47 тыс.3 года назад
Pelvic Blood Flow Activating Exercise - Basic (Part 1)
Can you defeat COVID 19? YES!!
Просмотров 4,3 тыс.3 года назад
Can you defeat COVID 19? YES!!
Просмотров 12 тыс.3 года назад
5 Easy Exercises Help Recover from COVID-19
Просмотров 10 тыс.4 года назад
5 Easy Exercises Help Recover from COVID-19
3 Movements to Enhance Immunity for COVID-19 Patients
Просмотров 6 тыс.4 года назад
3 Movements to Enhance Immunity for COVID-19 Patients
A Simple Exercise to Relieve Chest Pain and Tightness for COVID-19 Patients
Просмотров 37 тыс.4 года назад
A Simple Exercise to Relieve Chest Pain and Tightness for COVID-19 Patients
How to Build Up Immunity in Few Minutes: The Secret of T Cell Exercise
Просмотров 18 тыс.4 года назад
How to Build Up Immunity in Few Minutes: The Secret of T Cell Exercise
Eastern Functional Exercise for Confirmed COVID-19 Patients.
Просмотров 8 тыс.4 года назад
Eastern Functional Exercise for Confirmed COVID-19 Patients.


  • @ruwanaravindamapalagama9279
    @ruwanaravindamapalagama9279 День назад

    Hello Doctor, I am Aravinda. 50 year old male.I have type 2 diabetes and joint pain. I have been doing your t cell exercises workout,endocrine exercises for about two years now. Even I feel energetic thoroughout the day my joint issues are getting worse . Will it be happen?Are there any other side effects of doing this exercise routine daily for life? Thank you verymuch.waiting for your reply.

  • @parwaz4925
    @parwaz4925 2 дня назад

    How long we have to do each exercise. First one it says after “30 minuts “ plz clarify .

  • @rcfaunillan8943
    @rcfaunillan8943 2 дня назад

    Thank you

  • @instantaneouslife903
    @instantaneouslife903 2 дня назад

    I find it very hard to move my hips that way in ex 1 & 2, can anybody share any tips please? Thanks!

  • @rekhtrehan
    @rekhtrehan 3 дня назад

    Thank you , very informative , never seen this info before.Rest results and correct position of exercise may improve it.

  • @dawnspilsbury3671
    @dawnspilsbury3671 3 дня назад

    ❤❤blessings to you thank you

  • @melaniebarry1362
    @melaniebarry1362 4 дня назад

    This is working for me! I am 45 and struggled as long as I can remember with constipation and I have tried everything. I started this Tuesday evening, didn't have a bm Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning, probably because I woke up to late Wednesday morning and had to rush to work. I did this Wednesday night and Thursday morning and had an easy bm. I continued to do the stretch morning and night, it's now Saturday and I have had 2 easy bms today this morning and this is now evening.. thank you so much. I have only been doing the first 2 exercises

  • @saritadevi1437
    @saritadevi1437 4 дня назад

    Wet lost thyroid me kaise hoga

  • @kuwt7934
    @kuwt7934 4 дня назад

    ❤❤❤❤❤Subhanalah Allahuakbar

  • @Burak-vu2pj
    @Burak-vu2pj 5 дней назад

    Hi! I have hemorrhoid issues grade 4 for almost 4 years and blood comes every day. Do you have any specific exercises for this? Please answer me 🙏 I feel I need help from you

  • @teyareyna1087
    @teyareyna1087 6 дней назад

    My PET scan has shown that I have a large amount of fecal matter impacted in my cecum. Could you share with me how to get that cleaned out?

  • @lucreziabaiocco8430
    @lucreziabaiocco8430 6 дней назад

    Hi, thank you so much for this video. What about hyperthyroidism? My thyroid and heart work too much and too fast. I only find videos about hypothyroidism. Could you help me with this? Thank you in advance

  • @silviasn2925
    @silviasn2925 7 дней назад

    Thank u so much

  • @alexiabruce104
    @alexiabruce104 7 дней назад

    Thank you 😊

  • @TheOrganicCookingTwins
    @TheOrganicCookingTwins 9 дней назад

    thank you

  • @goldsilver6263
    @goldsilver6263 9 дней назад


  • @Ingerid772
    @Ingerid772 9 дней назад

  • @user-xe5fx5zl2i
    @user-xe5fx5zl2i 9 дней назад

    Thank you for this video. I am already on levothyroxine will this still work

  • @zenyschneider1236
    @zenyschneider1236 14 дней назад

    thank you so much doctor for sharing about thyroid.very interesting.

  • @ernestotv2966
    @ernestotv2966 15 дней назад

    Bok bok bok

  • @useranonymous369
    @useranonymous369 16 дней назад

    Thank you very, can you give us more tips for others deseases like insomnia, depression, diabetes, hemorhoides plz?

  • @Guys_Love_Each_Other
    @Guys_Love_Each_Other 18 дней назад

    00:05 Understanding Thyroid Function 01:38 Monitoring body temperature can indicate thyroid function issues. 02:54 Balancing thyroid glands through nerve signals and nutrients 04:19 Using exercise to regulate thyroid function 05:29 Techniques to improve thyroid function 06:44 Neck stretching is crucial for thyroid health 07:55 Activate thyroid gland through hand rubbing technique 09:06 Exercise to improve thyroid health Understanding Thyroid Function - Symptoms of thyroid problems include cold hands and feet, difficulty focusing, muscle weakness, chronic fatigue, voice changes, constipation, joint achiness, and menstrual irregularities. - You can check for thyroid problems by examining the temperature of your big toes and understanding the influence of thyroid hormone on basal body temperature. Monitoring body temperature can indicate thyroid function issues. - Low body temperature below 96 or 95 is a sign of potential thyroid problems, even if blood tests appear normal. - Combining ancient Taoist exercise can help improve thyroid function without medications. Balancing thyroid glands through nerve signals and nutrients - Nerve signals control release of thyroid hormones - Healthy blood circulation crucial for optimal thyroid function Using exercise to regulate thyroid function - Needling the area to bring blood circulation and release muscle tension - Bilateral needle stimulation to balance thyroid function Techniques to improve thyroid function - Doctor uses massage to open up nodules and improve nerve circulation - Exercises to relax neck and trapezium muscles for better blood circulation Neck stretching is crucial for thyroid health - Gentle movement helps with nutrient absorption and blood circulation - Stretching neck helps relax muscles and improve flexibility Activate thyroid gland through hand rubbing technique - Rub both hands together to warm them up before placing on thyroid area - Hold hands on thyroid gland, projecting energy for improved circulation Exercise to improve thyroid health - Elongate spine and bounce on chair for 30 seconds to reconnect spine and nervous system - Helps in improving circulation to thyroid, opening up neck area, and regulating thyroid hormone production

  • @vasanthapanikker9523
    @vasanthapanikker9523 20 дней назад

    to many exercise an people got back issue how

  • @shumailasirajuddin
    @shumailasirajuddin 20 дней назад

    Hi, I am 58 years old and my blood result always shows low iron. How can I improve my blood iron level?

  • @phylis3917
    @phylis3917 21 день назад


  • @tersitabebe1125
    @tersitabebe1125 22 дня назад

    Thank you

  • @jabeenskitchenvlogs
    @jabeenskitchenvlogs 22 дня назад

    Thank you, Doctor 😊

  • @nirvananirvana8214
    @nirvananirvana8214 22 дня назад

    Please tell something for uterine fibroid 🙏

  • @jaralahpai9007
    @jaralahpai9007 22 дня назад

    thanks you so much

  • @tersitabebe1125
    @tersitabebe1125 23 дня назад

    Please put English caption

    • @inhandacupunctureherbs1809
      @inhandacupunctureherbs1809 22 дня назад

      Hi, there is English caption avaiable. Can you please try again and let us know? Thank you!

  • @tersitabebe1125
    @tersitabebe1125 23 дня назад

    Thank you

  • @LiveLifeLori
    @LiveLifeLori 23 дня назад

    I cured my hashimotos hypothyroidism - after being on pills for 19yrs. I cured it by eating a high raw vegan diet. Been off pills for 3yrs now. Food either feeds disease, or prevents it. Ditch gluten and eat more fruit! Also reduce toxins in home and products you use on body, and eat 2 brazil nuts per day for selenium. I also eat nori sheets (in veggie sushi) or spirulina every week or two which gives iodine. All plant based, and cholesterol free and not on any pills.

  • @Dr.Jas-AyurvedaExpert-se9mi
    @Dr.Jas-AyurvedaExpert-se9mi 23 дня назад

    These are very unique exercises. Ayurveda has some similar yoga postures which are especially performed during Shankhprakshalan (Detox TechniqueI recommend my patients Vara Churna by Planet Ayurveda that gives complete relief from constipation and minor digestive issues. And now I can guide them to these amazing exercises of yours too.

  • @whatsnext2359
    @whatsnext2359 24 дня назад

    Thank you. 🙏

  • @abderrahmanebaroud9017
    @abderrahmanebaroud9017 25 дней назад

    Thanks a lote , god bless you

  • @mechant-malade405
    @mechant-malade405 26 дней назад

    Thanks you and my best regards. 🎉

  • @blessing198
    @blessing198 26 дней назад

    I have a question: after doing the first exercise I have a lot of burping from mouth! Is it normal. Have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism Thank you ❤️

  • @user-xz2uw2qd5r
    @user-xz2uw2qd5r 26 дней назад

    salamat po thanks a lot doc

  • @milagrovizcaya3625
    @milagrovizcaya3625 27 дней назад

    Thanks you very much

  • @NS-py9cw
    @NS-py9cw 27 дней назад

    Thankyou! I hope this will help. I started yesterday!😊

  • @blue62626
    @blue62626 28 дней назад


  • @aliciamenorca363
    @aliciamenorca363 28 дней назад

    thank you

  • @fxsydney
    @fxsydney 28 дней назад

    I will try it for my wife. Thank you so much

  • @maritzaghitza6373
    @maritzaghitza6373 29 дней назад

    I sent it to friends.

  • @maritzaghitza6373
    @maritzaghitza6373 29 дней назад

    You are GOLD. Much gratitude for your generosity in offering great help. I refused medication for thyroid situation. These exercises are valuable for me.

  • @MichaelAmen316
    @MichaelAmen316 Месяц назад

    If it was me I would take Thiamine aka B1 through a high quality non-gmo Brewer's Yeast powder, a special fiber called Sunfiber and I would drink purified water throughout the day in the amount of 1 gallon/128 fluid ounces.

  • @sabihacimen5879
    @sabihacimen5879 Месяц назад

    Merhaba Türkçe alt yazi olabilirmi cok olurm

  • @Agi-rb3yz
    @Agi-rb3yz Месяц назад

    Thank You Sir 🙂 I was searching for exercises which can help my thyroid gland to work well again. I like Your explanation and the exercises. I am very glad to find Your channel. 🙂

  • @ssc_1
    @ssc_1 Месяц назад

    Thank you

  • @jodyloges3084
    @jodyloges3084 Месяц назад

    Perfect timing for me to find again drs playing oh your crazy now lets pump more pills you dont need in you. 😂 its gonna be fun again to heal again without their pills making me sick. 🎉